The Merchant Service Provider for My Coffee Counts.

My Order Payments and its association with the My Coffee Counts (MyCC) App. It’s essential to communicate transparently with both MyCC Venues (Shop Outlets) and their customers about the transaction process and associated fees. Below is a summarised explanation:
- Cardholder’s Bank Fees:
- Each time a customer uses a credit or debit card via the MyCC App, the cardholder’s bank charges a fee.
- This fee varies based on the type of card being used.
- Funds Distribution:
- A percentage of the transaction funds is allocated to the customer’s card issuer as mandated.
- A percentage of the transaction funds is allocated to the customer’s card issuer as mandated.
- Card Networks (Visa, Mastercard, American Express) Fees:
- Visa, Mastercard, and American Express charge fees for their services, including the use of their intellectual property, logos, and branding.
- These fees contribute significantly to the overall transaction cost.
- The fees cover access to integrated platforms, ensuring safe and secure transactions.
- Variable Service Fees:
- Each card network may have different rates, often influenced by the transaction volume facilitated collectively by My Order Payments.
Transaction Fee Total:
- The total transaction fee charged to the MyCC shop outlets encompasses the cardholder’s bank fees, funds distributed to card issuers, and the service fees of card networks.
Purpose of Consolidation:
- My Order Payments consolidates all purchasing within ‘My Coffee Counts’ across Australia.
- This consolidation aims to negotiate better rates with Visa, Mastercard, and American Express, benefiting both MyCC shop outlets and their customers.
- The goal is to secure favorable terms from these companies, given the collective volume of transactions generated through the MyCC App.
Benefits for MyCC Shop Outlets and Customers:
- Enhanced security, price competitiveness, and reliable service within fully secure and compliant environments.
- Integration with the platforms of major card networks ensures a seamless and secure payment process.
- The consolidation strategy aims to provide peace of mind to all MyCC App users and customers.
By providing this comprehensive overview, My Order Payments aims to foster understanding and trust among MyCC shop outlets and customers regarding the transactional processes and associated fees.
Security & Payments
We take several steps to prevent unauthorised disclosure or modification of sensitive information.
PCI Compliance
My Order Payments operates with a Level 1 Service Provider, all software, systems and procedures have been assessed and certified to the highest level of compliance provided by the PCI Data Security Standards.
- PCI means Payment Card Industry
- DSS means Data Security Standards
All merchant service providers must comply with these standards to safely and securely accept, store, process, and transmit cardholder data during card transactions. PCI-DSS is the security standard for all businesses that accept card payments.
Security Audits
To ensure compliance and levels of service are maintained payment gateway product and web services are subject to periodic manual and automated security audits. Audits are conducted internally as well as by third parties.
Sensitive Information Storage
Credit card information is encrypted and stored in a system completely isolated from My Order Payments and My Coffee Counts. At no time is unencrypted card data stored on disk either inside our systems or our service providers systems or in the card storage system. Internally card information is referenced only via the use of a token. The token is not derived from card information in any way.
Tokenization when applied to data security, is the process of substituting a sensitive data element with a non-sensitive equivalent, referred to as a token, that has no extrinsic or exploitable meaning or value. The token is a reference (i.e., identifier) that maps back to the sensitive data through a tokenization system.
Hosted fields
We use hosted fields, which provides MyCC and My Order Payments with the ability to accept credit card payment data securely. Payments are integrated seamlessly within the MyCC App. Using these fields, it allows us to accept payments on behalf of MyCC registered users and shop outlets without ever handling any customer credit card data.
All requests to our website and API are forced to use HTTPS to ensure encrypted communications.
Card Authentication and 3D Secure
What is 3D Secure?
3D Secure (3DS) is an added level of authentication that allows the customer’s card issuing bank to request the customer enter a random code sent to their phone to successfully authorise a payment.
Typically the customer will be directed to a page on the card issuing bank’s website, where they are prompted to enter the code sent to their phone. Following entry of the correct code, they will be redirected back to the usual payment completion summary for that online payment.
Where is it enabled?
3D Secure is enabled by default for all charges being processed using our Payment Page with Ecwid integration.
Benefits of 3D Secure
Protection for the merchant . Card issuing banks requesting additional authentication (where it detects potential cardholder fraud) reduces the risk of merchants receiving a dispute.
Additionally, payments that have been successfully authenticated using 3D Secure are covered by ‘liability shift’. This means that should a payment authenticated by 3D Secure be disputed as fraudulent by the cardholder, the liability shifts from the merchant to the card issuing bank, resulting in no cost to the merchant.
Protection for the cardholder
3D Secure provides an added layer of protection for cardholders in the situation an unauthorised person gains access to their card details and attempts to make a fraudulent purchase.
Verify Customers using Easy Card Authentication
Easy Card Authentication – (ECA)
Our easy card authentication (ECA) has been built for shop outlets selling their goods, to verify your customer and orders are genuine.
How it works
All payments, made by all customers, have a random code added to the start of the text that appears on their online bank statement when a transaction is completed.
This allows us to request the customer provide the code before further interaction. It’s a way to validate and authenticate the customer transaction with ease. It’s all we need to help resolve any transaction challenges.
Date – Code – Item or Shop – Amount
21/1 868PIN* COFFEE SHOP $995.00
Please note: Verifying a customer with ECA is a manual process that requires us to either email, text, or phone the customer.
When should you use ECA?
Verifying your customer using ECA can be useful when:
- You receive an unusually large order from a customer
- Details of an order appear to be suspicious
- You sell expensive items and want to verify the first order from a new customer
If the code doesn’t match
If the customer is unable to provide you with the correct authentication code and you suspect the transaction to be fraudulent, you should refund the charge, and cancel the order.
If the genuine cardholder disputes the charge and the charge was not already refunded, you may be liable for the dispute administration fee on top of the original charge value. Once a charge has been disputed, you should not attempt to refund the charge.
Why did a charge fail?
Card Declined
The customer’s card issuing bank declined the request to charge their card. The customer may wish to contact their bank to request the charge be permitted.
Insufficient Funds
The customer doesn’t have enough funds available on their card. They may wish to add funds before trying to charge the card again.
Suspected Fraud
The charge was flagged as possibly fraudulent and subsequently declined.
Expired Card
The card provided has expired. If the card is stored for repeat or recurring charges it’s recommended to ask the customer to provide updated card details.
Processing Error
An error occurred while processing the card. This may be due to network issues at upstream financial partners, or other unforeseen issues. Attempting to process the charge at a later time is recommended.
Foreign Currency
Charges in foreign currency, settled in AUD
When a transaction is processed in a foreign currency and settled in AUD, it attracts a transaction fee of 2.9% + $0.30 per transaction.
- Transaction amount: $15.00 AUD
- Fees: $0.74 ($0.44 + $0.30)
- Shop (Merchant) entitlement: $14.26
In this instance, during the currency conversion to AUD (which happens prior to the transaction fees), a 1.7% FX adjustment to the interbank rate is applied at the time of the transaction.
- Transaction amount: $100 USD
- USD/AUD interbank rate: 1.5258
- Adjusted FX rate: 1.4999
- Converted amount: $149.99 AUD ($100 × 1.4999)
- Fees: $4.65 AUD ($4.35 + $0.30)
- Shop (Merchant) entitlement : $145.34 AUD
Charged and settled in foreign currency
When a transaction is processed and settled in a foreign currency (without conversion to AUD), it attracts a transaction fee of 3.9% + $0.30.
- Transaction amount: $100 USD
- Fees: $4.20 USD ($3.90 + $0.30)
- Merchant entitlement: $95.80 USD
Frequently Asked Questions (Customers)
How secure is MyCC App as regards to taking customer payments? Please refer to the Security & Payments section.
What costs do I pay when making a payment to the MyCC shop outlet?
You only pay what’s being asked – the shop outlet will normally pays all merchandising (transaction) fees from the total price you have been asked to pay. Since Covid sometimes the shop outlets pass on the cost and is additional to their published price. If you have any questions you should as the shop before making a purchase.
Why is it that I do not always get asked for the CVC code?
Card Verification Checks (CVC), also known as the CVV, is a three- or four-digit number printed on a debit or credit card to provide additional protection for the cardholder. The CVC is required when completing a card-not-present (online) purchase. Only the cardholder in possession of the card should have access to the CVC number.
PCI-DSS compliance require that businesses (including payment providers) are not permitted to store the CVC number in any way, to reduce the opportunity for fraudulent use of the card. When submitting a card payment, we will automatically include the CVC number except when charging a stored card (due to PCI-DSS requirements). If you store a card in the MyCC App and submit a payment within 5 minutes, the CVC will be included in the payment request.
Payments without CVC
The CVC is not required for recurring payments or payments using a stored card. An indicator is included with these transactions so the card issuing bank is aware it’s a recurring or card-on-file transaction, and the CVC isn’t required. The MyCC App facilitates the storing of customer cards to improve the customer experience, so you do not have to keep tapping in your card numbers, each time you want to make a purchase. You can if you want. It is a choice you can make as the customer. The MyCC App can work with stored cards or without.
Why isn’t splitting a transaction permitted?
MyCC does not operate in this way. The general rule for MyCC App is: one transaction, one payment.
Payment card schemes don’t permit a sale to be split across multiple transactions and/or cards, as it can be an indicator of fraudulent activity or a customer trying to circumvent authorisation limits set by their card issuing bank.